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Touche design


touche comprises a team of dedicated professionals who, having sensed the industry’s need for a breath of fresh air, are committed to lifting the advertising and publishing concern to a higher level, in cost-effective deliveries of new, refreshing and exciting concepts of all creative requirements in advertising/publishing projects without compromising on quality and integrity.

The team, armed with a vast and varied experience in the exacting field of design and print, maintains a consistently professional, yet personal, approach in all its contacts. touche’s success lies in this fine balance while observing its objective of a customer-service driven principle of ensuring the optimisation of each and every end result, bearing in mind the customers’ need for winners.

With a disciplined team committed to giving of their best, touche promises to be vibrant and spirited in attitude and outlook, promising nothing less than is asked of them.

Ad Reference ID: 1675143171d8a0dc

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