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SolarGy Pte Ltd

  • Website: http://www.solargy.com.sg/
  • Contact: 65709001
  • Block: 20
  • Street: Sin Ming Lane
  • Unit Number: 04-65
  • Listed: March 15, 2013 3:07 pm


SolarGy Pte Ltd was founded by a team of practising professionals in the building construction industry who have over twenty years of experience in electrical installations and building architecture. They bring to bear their relevant experiences to apply the appropriate solar technologies and provide solutions to suit the specific energy requirements and creative architectural design.

The key shareholders of the company are a registered professional engineer and a registered architect and together they bring about complementary synergies to drive the company in its quest to provide functional and aesthetically appealing solar energy solutions to meet their Client’s needs. It is the company’s vision that by designing effective and creative solar energy solutions, they will enthuse and attract more building owners to consider solar energy as an alternative or to supplement their energy needs. In turn, this strategy will help to cut down carbon emissions from our home country and to the world at large.

Ad Reference ID: 406514337b832ceb

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