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X’IT Services Pte Ltd

  • Website: http://www.xit.com.sg/
  • Block: 28
  • Street: Sin Ming Lane
  • Unit Number: 02-135
  • Listed: March 14, 2013 10:23 am


Incorporated in 1997, a team of enterprising individuals who shared a common vision; to create a Technology Service company in the Information Technology industry. X’IT Services Pte Ltd has since evolved to be a competitive player in the local IT industry. Bringing with them, a myriad of skills and experience in the areas of business management, technical support and services, Consulting services, the founders with strong foundation in I.T. have always set ambitious goals in its relations with clients, to:

-Assist them in orientating and managing their activities,
-Advise them, equip them with the I.T. systems they need and, as required, manage these systems on their behalf,
-Yield tangible results in a timely manner.

Since, we have evolved to follow market trends and adapt to our clients’ needs. Strong commitments have been forged to build a good and healthy business network that enables us not only to offer quality services and products but most importantly, enhancements and improvement on a continual basis. As such, we have carefully selected our business alliance partners to complement our objectives.

The success of a company depends on how well it carries out and fulfills its commitments to customers. Though a short period of just a few years, X’IT Services has merited a reputation with vendors like IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, Microsoft, to be a dynamic player in the IT industry.

Ad Reference ID: 6715141a4ca56d76

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